The Kendjam Experience: Wolf Fish (Episode 5) Episode 5

For the upcoming launch of each episode of The Kendjam Experience series, we've released a set Q&A session with our fishing guides about their knowledge about species diversity.

We invite you to watch the video and find below our guides statements about the wolf fish.

- What is the biggest challenge of fishing this species in Kendjam?

I would say that the biggest challenge for our guests while fishing for wolffish would be an accurate cast. There are lots of different situations and environments that the fish might live in, and each one requires a different cast. There are narrow creeks where they feed, and the trick in casting is to find room for a backcast. In this case, we also use the bow and arrow cast to reach the hard to get places. They are also ambush feeders, which means people have to do their best to make flies reach the pockets and where they are sitting and swim the fly close to their mouth!

- What advantage does sight fishing give anglers at Kendjam?

Our water is so crystal clear at Kendjam, sight fishing allows our anglers to have a visual experience catching these amazing fish. There are some places where we can easily spot them sitting on the bottom, and with the drop or twitch of a fly or popper, anglers can see all the action, start to finish. Spotting them while wet wading makes these fish really special as well.

Everton Pires | Kendjam Guide

Check Out Episode 5

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