Kendjam 2022 Season Fishing Report | Week 10 August 28 to September 04

Total of 9 clients
5 from the United States
1 from Argentina

1 Brazilian family, including their awesome five year old.

Water Color – Crystal clear
Water Level – Dropping steadily

Temperature – 33C
Constantly sunny days through the week


Our latest week of 2022 season started a little slower than usual as far as fishing was concerned. However, on the third day, we noticed the fishing picking up and our catch rate went up significantly. Furthermore, a good amount of nice sized peacock bass were caught this week. A great way to finish the season with so many big fish being caught!

Highlight of the week was our great guest James catching a big red tail catfish. This is the same awesome angler who caught a nice payara on his fly rod casting around the rapids. Good job!

Total number of fish landed in the week - 390

Biggest fish landed in the week

- Wolffish 83 cm
- Peacock Bass 62 cm
- Matrinxã 44 cm
- Pacu Borracha 42 cm
- Bicuda 70 cm
- Payara 76 cm

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