Jungle Trip Policy
The Amazon River annual water level cycles are not a simple equation, even for the most experienced local experts. Normally, high and low water levels here follow a fairly predictable monthly cycle, but climate changes and the effects of stronger or weaker El Nino and La Nina cycles can directly and immediately affect those levels.
Specifically, these EL Nino and La Nina events tend to impact the amount of rain in the headwaters of Amazon Rivers, which in turn affects the entire Amazon basin.
The Kendjam system has more than 250 kilometers of rivers and tributaries. This unique and extensive water system allows for incomparable flexibility.Though Kendjam season has been chosen to coincide with the best water conditions annually, it’s difficult to predict water levels, and this is one of the risks associated with fishing the Amazon. If you are not comfortable with the risk of the river levels being too high or low during your trip, then it is probably not the trip for you. You will not be refunded for water conditions that may not meet your expectations.
For Entry and Exit Requirements for Travel to Brazil please check the following website: https://apply.joinsherpa.com/travel-restrictions
We strongly recommend all guests traveling to our destinations securing insurance that covers medical contingencies while abroad and Cancel for Any Reason travel insurance (CFAR policy).
Untamed Angling Brazil
Office: Rodrigo Salles
Nilton Lins, 2274 -610Manaus | Brazil
Office: +55 92 3308-6010 Cel: +55 11 98181-8703
Email: [email protected]
Skype: rodrigo.salles.untamed
Manaus Hostess and Logistics: Debora Motta
Cellular and Messages: +55 (92) 99403-4631
Email: [email protected]